"VitaMaps" is an innovative augmented reality (AR) map navigation application, developed using Unity and integrated with Geo AR functionality. Designed to revolutionize the way users navigate through their surroundings, this app combines the power of augmented reality with real-time geographical data. Leveraging the Mapbox SDK, "VitaMaps" fetches and displays detailed geographical information, offering users an immersive and interactive navigation experience.
Technical aspect
Built with Unity, "VitaMaps" utilizes its robust framework to create an engaging AR environment for users. Integrated with Geo AR functionality, the app seamlessly overlays digital information onto the real-world environment, enhancing users' navigation experience. The Mapbox SDK serves as the backbone, enabling "VitaMaps" to fetch and display accurate geographical data in real-time. Through the app, users can explore their surroundings with ease, receiving dynamic route guidance and points of interest information directly within their augmented reality view.